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Entry #345
View Responses
Full Name
Your full name
E-mail Address
For how long have you been using our product / service
For how long have you been using our product / service
Less than a month
1 - 12 months
1 - 3 years
Over 3 years
How often do you use our product / service
How often do you use our product / service
Once a week
2 - 3 time a month
Once a month
How satisfied are you with the product / service?
How satisfied are you with the product / service?
Very Satisfied
Very Unsatisfied
What impressed you most about the product / service
What impressed you most about the product / service
Shopping Experience
Installation or First Use Experience
Custom Service
Please rate your overall level of satisfaction with our product / service
Very Dissastified
Very Satisfied
Shopping Experience
Customer Serive
What do you like about the product / service?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed cursus placerat vulputate. Mauris sodales, nulla ut laoreet finibus, massa neque tempus turpis, vitae tempus eros neque vitae ipsum. Ut vitae nunc et lorem semper efficitur vitae sed orci. Nam leo ex, cursus id velit non, maximus bibendum mi. Morbi dictum, velit tempus volutpat hendrerit, tellus erat sodales turpis, et ornare ex neque vel lectus. Sed sit amet nulla urna. Morbi fringilla nisi nisl, vitae scelerisque eros tristique nec. Vestibulum sapien risus, egestas quis mauris et, auctor dignissim erat. Etiam pulvinar efficitur lorem id faucibus.
What do you dislike about the product / service?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed cursus placerat vulputate. Mauris sodales, nulla ut laoreet finibus, massa neque tempus turpis, vitae tempus eros neque vitae ipsum. Ut vitae nunc et lorem semper efficitur vitae sed orci. Nam leo ex, cursus id velit non, maximus bibendum mi. Morbi dictum, velit tempus volutpat hendrerit, tellus erat sodales turpis, et ornare ex neque vel lectus. Sed sit amet nulla urna. Morbi fringilla nisi nisl, vitae scelerisque eros tristique nec. Vestibulum sapien risus, egestas quis mauris et, auctor dignissim erat. Etiam pulvinar efficitur lorem id faucibus.
Compared to similar products offered by other companies, how do you consider our product
Compared to similar products offered by other companies, how do you consider our product
Much Better
Somewhat Better
About the same
Somewhat Worse
Much Worse
Don't Know
Would you use our product / service in the future
Would you use our product / service in the future
Not Sure
Probably Not
Definitely Not
Would you recommend our product / service to other people
Would you recommend our product / service to other people
Not Sure
Probably Not
Definitely Not
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Customer Satisfaction Survey Result
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